- Lauren Levy’22
- 塔拉·埃利斯1988年
- 安德森一家
- Art Teacher, 特里西娅Butski
- 凯蒂和卡娅24岁
- Jennifer '78 和 基尔比 '10 Bronstein
- 22岁的娜米娅·凯利
- Bethany Grabiec先生. '94
- 奈玛·皮尔斯05年
- 琳达·科尼利厄斯,71年
- 凯西·佩利04届
Lauren Levy’22
We are proud to highlight the Anderson family – sisters, Abigail 和 Joanna 和 their mother, 诺埃尔. All three are proud to call 十大彩票平台 an extension of their home 和 share how 十大彩票平台 has given them educational 和 leadership skills, as well as a strong sense of service to others. 诺埃尔, 一个现在很成功的老师, 她将自己的职业生涯归功于十大彩票平台和引导她走上今天道路的老师们. 这对姐妹对她们在十大彩票平台的最后几年将会发生的事情感到兴奋. # Powerof十大彩票平台
Art Teacher, 特里西娅Butski
十大彩票平台SATIONAL Series Highlights 十大彩票平台 Art Teacher, 特里西娅Butski
布法罗神学院的十大彩票平台SATIONAL系列关注的是许多声音, 过去和现在, 和 the impact of 十大彩票平台 on their lives. 通过订阅我们的频道,与我们一起体验所有十大彩票平台女孩的力量.
We are proud to highlight art teacher, 特里西娅Butski, 他是十大彩票平台的新手,但很快就注意到学生们的特别动力, 以及一个鼓励在课堂内外学习的课程. Tricia says that with nearby galleries, museums 和 street art to observe, 创造性学习的不同途径是强大而无穷无尽的. # Powerof十大彩票平台
布法罗神学院的十大彩票平台SATIONAL系列关注的是许多声音, 过去和现在, 和 the impact of 十大彩票平台 on their lives. 通过订阅我们的频道,与我们一起体验所有十大彩票平台女孩的力量.
We are proud to highlight 十大彩票平台 students, Katie Rooney 和 Kaya Fitzpatrick, who also happen to be cousins. They share how their bond has only been strengthened by the welcoming environment at the school 和 how 十大彩票平台 has set them on a path to success. 他们正在努力完成高中最后两年的学业, Katie 和 Kaya are grateful for their 十大彩票平台 education 和 values. # Powerof十大彩票平台
Jennifer '78 和 基尔比 '10 Bronstein
布法罗神学院的十大彩票平台SATIONAL系列关注的是许多声音, 过去和现在, 和 the impact of 十大彩票平台 on their lives. 通过订阅我们的频道,与我们一起体验十大彩票平台女孩的力量.
We are proud to share the story of 十大彩票平台 grads, Jennifer Prince Bronstein 和 her daughter, 基尔比, 谁将自己的创业成功归功于商学院的前瞻性教育. 他们在埃尔姆伍德村(Elmwood Village)的中心地带开了一家名为Half 和 Half Boutique的精品店, 它被居住在布法罗及其周边地区的人们视为心爱的宝石.
Bethany Grabiec先生. '94
Bethany Grabiec先生. ‘94
作者:Eliza Kaye Esq. ‘12
Left: Bethany, Right: Eliza
“灯光、相机、动作!” is a phrase that Bethany Grabiec, 副总统, Employment Counsel at Paramount Pictures, 非常熟悉. Bethany’s journey to the West Coast, 然而, started in 水牛 和 more specifically, at 十大彩票平台.
贝瑟尼1994年从十大彩票平台毕业,她说这个团队很小,但有点紧张, 但同时, it fostered an environment where girls could be independent. 当时,Bethany获得了Wincenc音乐奖学金进入了十大彩票平台, the head of school was Robert Foster, but by the time she graduated, the head was Sally Briggs.
在她的时间在十大彩票平台,宝芬妮参与音乐和戏剧. She played Glinda the Good Witch in the Summer at Sem production of “The Wizard of Oz” the summer prior to her freshman year 和 played the role of Agnes Gooch in the Spring 音乐al “Mame” during her freshman year. Bethany continued to perform with the Glee Club throughout her time at Sem 和 gave a senior vocal recital to the school just prior to graduation. 宝芬妮定期在教堂的晨会上独奏. She also performed in numerous musicals 和 choral groups at St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute 和 the Gow School.
Bethany continued to enrich her performing arts education when she attended the renowned school of music at Indiana University. 大一之后, 然而, Bethany realized that music was not the career that she wanted to pursue 和 transferred to Barnard College in New York City. On what she explained as a whim but based in a life-long interest in Russia 和 Eastern Europe, Bethany declared herself a Russian Studies major. Upon graduating from Barnard in 1998, 贝瑟尼决定将自己的俄语技能运用到现实生活中. Thus, Bethany enrolled in a post-graduate program in Moscow for six months from June-December, 1998. 贝瑟尼解释说,她在俄罗斯的时间至少可以说很有趣. 在俄罗斯的时候, Bethany continued to study Russian language at a private university in Moscow while interning at the international law firm Clifford Chance. 然而, 在俄罗斯期间, 经济崩溃,许多西方企业重新评估他们在俄罗斯的存在. Bethany explained that at that time, things became very tumultuous 和 she knew it was time to leave.
Upon returning from Russia, Bethany was unsure of her next step, but knew that she wanted warm weather, so she took a leap of faith, 搬到洛杉矶去了, 和 began working in the entertainment industry as an executive assistant in the General Counsel’s office at Artisan Entertainment, which became Lionsgate Films. 令人印象深刻的, 与此同时,贝瑟尼在南加州大学注册, where she attained a Masters in Communication Management. 在她经历了娱乐行业的法律方面之后, Bethany decided to pursue law as a career, 和 attended University of California, Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco. She couldn’t stay away from L.A. 但在那里待了太久,从法学院毕业后又搬回来了. Bethany explained that she really enjoyed her employment law classes 和 clinics in law school, which is what led her to work for Jackson Lewis, PC, a national labor 和 employment law firm. 她在那里做了九年的就业辩护.A. office, but realized she wanted a new challenge in her career. 2013年4月, an employment counsel position opened up at Paramount Pictures 和 Bethany jumped on that opportunity. 在她目前的职位上, Bethany is part of the larger ViacomCBS employment law team 和 provides advice 和 counsel on employment-related matters for the studio, 管理诉讼, 并努力确保与就业有关的法律合规. 她非常热爱自己在派拉蒙的工作,也不打算离开. 宝芬妮还与洛杉矶的房地产开发商马修·雅各布斯(Matthew Jacobs)有着幸福的婚姻. 他们有两个孩子, 山姆(5岁)和赛迪(2岁), 多亏了他们的俄罗斯保姆,他们现在也能说流利的俄语了吗.
When reflecting on her career path 和 life after 十大彩票平台, Bethany said that 十大彩票平台 gave her the confidence to present her ideas 和 not fear that they would be invalidated. She feels that she learned “not to be afraid to participate in a discussion that she was invited to be a part of.” Bethany believes that going to a small school gave her “an immense level of confidence 和 an ability to participate when thrown into a bigger pond.” Bethany attributes her impressive career path to her adaptability 和 “taking a chance on a path that wasn’t necessarily [hers].” Bethany’s sentiments are most definitely what makes the 十大彩票平台 experience a great 和 unique one. Young women have the opportunity to strengthen their skills 和 develop themselves to be independent trailblazers in whatever career path they choose, 和 Bethany is a shining example of just that.
贝琪·布鲁姆(Betsy Bloom), 2008年
作为十大彩票平台的新生, we were taught that with hard work 和 effort, there was no barrier we couldn’t overcome, nothing we couldn’t become or accomplish. We were encouraged to think of our futures as politicians, 诗人, 工程师, 或麻醉医师, 但如果你在我十四岁的时候问我最想做什么, my answer would have been simple: a 十大彩票平台 senior. 对我来说,这些令人羡慕的半神的缩影是奈玛·皮尔斯.
奈玛, our student government president, infused a life into each day that we freshmen loved, 即使是最平凡的晨间广播也很有趣和温暖, 和 when she told us to “Have a great day 和 get to class,” we made it our personal mission to carpe diem. 她认识了每个人, seemingly spending as many free periods sitting with us in the Study Hall as she did socializing in the senior lounge. She was a star on the tennis court 和 in the classroom. Most of all, she made us laugh. In addition to her daily witticisms, 奈玛 entertained us via 十大彩票平台 Spotlight, a club that produced video news comedy segments. Each time a new one aired, we howled until our stomachs hurt.
Thirteen years later, 奈玛’s still in the funny business. 她目前是Tooning Out the 新闻的监督撰稿人, 和 she writes for Our Cartoon President, both produced by Stephen Colbert. 尽管她有动力和天赋,但奈玛在职业道路上遇到了障碍. 在经济衰退期间从宾夕法尼亚大学毕业后, 无论如何,她都试图闯入新闻/喜剧界. 她曾在美国国家公共电台(NPR)工作,后来成为NBC的一名编辑,后来在微软全国广播公司(MSNBC)担任编辑和作家. She recalled during that time that she was always filling out applications to try to work on comedy shows.” She described how exclusive comedy writing can be: “It’s invite-only to even apply to be a comedy writer. You need an agent or a manager to write on a comedy show, but they won’t take you unless you write on a show. There’s a reason why most comedy writer’s rooms used to be composed of white males that went to a narrow group of elite schools. The Lampoon was a feeder system. 他们经常问编剧是否认识其他人,他们也认识其他白人. You also need to have an enormous safety net because you need to have some money in your pocket already. 很多不富裕的白人的道路都很曲折. 最终, I got there with the help of some friends 和 because this particular job required a set of skills that I had.”
在十大彩票平台,我们学到了创造空间和铺路的价值. Just as my classmates admired (in my case, 崇拜)奈玛, she looked up to the 十大彩票平台 seniors that preceded her. She credits 十大彩票平台 Spotlight founders Roseanne Hines, 亚历克西斯彼得森, 和 Rachel Pikus with inspiring 和 mentoring her: “I was trying to lift a page from their book, trying to build some kind of comedic narrative. Trying to entertain under the guise of being able to inform.”
奈玛就是带着这种无私的态度,在2018年十大彩票平台的毕业典礼上发表了演讲, a little more than a decade after her own graduation. From the balcony at Westminster, 当新生们抬头看着台上的高年级学生时,我感到了他们的钦佩. 当奈玛走向讲台发表演讲时,我完全理解他们的感受.
什么是十大彩票平台女孩? 聪明,自信,大胆,能言善辩,能自嘲. 没有人比Casey Perley更适合作为semational Stories系列的开篇了. She graduated from 十大彩票平台 in 2004, 在班上名列前茅, 获得12个AP学分, all with scores of 4's or 5's; Yale University undergraduate degree in Molecular Biophysics 和 Biochemistry, Duke University PhD in Molecular Genetics 和 Microbiology. That would seem like an end-point for most mortals. 不是给凯西的.
So what is she in the process of becoming? She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the U.S. 陆军传染病医学研究所(USAMRIID), 她一边做转化科学和生物防御工作,一边玩两个(不是一个), but two) symphony orchestras: The Frederick Symphony Orchestra 和 the Symphony of the Potomac. She's also involved with music programs for kids in the area, because as she said, "kids count."
Starting in her freshman year at 十大彩票平台, 凯西学习了所有的自然科学和数学课程,并把它们都征服了, 包括两门大学水平的微积分课,因为她的老师, 琳达·古德曼, 每周三天早上7点来,给她和艾米·奥维特·金(Emi Ovitt Kim)上两个人的课. “我一直热爱科学,她说, “是我把我的费雪显微镜带到5岁孩子的茶会上."
Casey was a Jacket but describes herself as "hopeless" at sports (belied by her running habit now as an adult!). So what did she do at 十大彩票平台 to participate in sports? 她足智多谋. She managed both the badminton 和 soccer teams, which benefited because mental math abilities enabled her to diagnose vulnerabilities in the opposition.
She says of her time at 十大彩票平台: "I loved history, 我热爱科学, 我喜欢音乐, 我喜欢数学,在十大彩票平台, 我什么都能做, 我做到了!她认为是十大彩票平台教会了她,她可以成就一切. 古德曼先生. 她是为两出学校戏剧创作乐谱的艺术教员。黑暗之心 和 《仲夏夜之梦) — all of whom asked her, what can we do to challenge you? "十大彩票平台 allowed me to be intellectually curious 我做到了n't have to leave anything important on the table."
凯西在实验室 at the USAMRIID
凯西很感激她的父母迈克尔·佩利和塔玛·克罗威尔, 鼓励她对学习和音乐的热爱,并允许她来十大彩票平台. “有能力的父母, 应该鼓励他们的女儿来十大彩票平台——因为课程灵活, the number of PhD teachers, 对学习的热爱, the nurturing of curiosity, 和 for the diversity in the student body, particularly provided by the residential program."
She hopes to have kids someday, 和 she dreams of sending her future daughter to board at 十大彩票平台, where she can spend weekends with her gr和parents! “经管学院不仅为我的大学和生活提供了很好的准备. It taught me that girls can do anything, 让我对自己选择的领域之外的学科产生了热爱. 如果我有个女儿, I can't imagine a better way to pass those lessons 和 a slightly overzealous love for everything yellow jacket on to her, than by sending her to 十大彩票平台!"